Food Hygiene

Food hygiene is the scientific discipline pertaining to the safe and sanitary preparation and provision of food. Food hygiene encompasses all aspects of food preparation, including storage, handling and cooking. Packaging and distribution also come into play.

Food hygiene must be maintained at all times to prevent the spread of harmful pathogens and bacteria. When good food hygiene standards are applied, better health and standards of living result. In Australia, as in many Western nations, robust food standards have been put in place to ensure consumers are protected as much as possible. Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the regulatory body responsible for developing food standards in Australia.

The imposition of food hygiene standards has meant that many organisations, small and large, require training in the safe preparation of food and/or assistance with compliance. Numerous education providers have thus met this need, such as Food Safety Australia, Eclipse Education and CFT for example.

State and Territory governments have also responded, with food hygiene being an on-going health imperative. Consumer awareness and education is also a priority, hence the Food Safety Information Council was founded in 1997 to better educate Australians in relation to the safe handling and consumption of food.